
What is JAZZ9TUS?

JAZZ9TUS started as a one-man effort by bassist Kenneth Dahl Knudsen in 2018. Starting september 2020, JAZZ9TUS is a non-profit organisation, run by the board members noted below. We work extensively with local musicians, venues, municipality and businesses to develop the JAZZ CITY AALBORG.

JAZZ9TUS Board Members

  • Peter Thomsen - Chairman

  • Tadas Pasaravičius - Vice-chairman

  • Anders Boye Knudsen - Treasurer

  • Kenneth Dahl Knudsen

  • Lukas Bysted (Substitute Board Member and General Manager)

Purpose and bylaws

The purpose of the organisation is to develop the jazz scene in Aalborg and Northern Jutland, and especially to develop the profile of Aalborg as an international jazz city.

This goal is achieved by:

a) Establishing collaborations, concert series and platforms for performing jazz music.

b) Developing the audience for jazz music by focusing on target groups including (1) children and youth, (2) young adults - 18-45 years old, (3) international citizens and (4) cultural tourists in Aalborg and Northern Jutland.

c) establishing collaboration and exchange with contemporary jazz scenes both nationally and internationally.

d) in all activities, integrating, exposing and developing jazz musicians living in Aalborg and Region Nordjylland focusing on the talent pool.

Official Documents (In Danish)

Would you like to join as a member of the association?

Do you want to support the purpose of JAZZ9TUS? Join as a member of the association!

Please contact anders@jazz9tus.com if you are interested in joining JAZZ9TUS as a member!

The annual membership fee is 50 kr.

You can pay by bank or MobilePay

BANK Reg - 9070 Konto - 1631874637
MobilePay 393650

IBAN DK4790701631874637

General Assembly

Our last general assembly was at May 1st, 13:00-15:30 at Huset i Hasserisgade.

The next general assembly will be planned in March 2024.

Contact lukas@jazz9tus.com if you’d like to join :-)


CVR: 41737409

Reg - 9070 Konto - 1631874637


Contact lukas@jazz9tus.com for more information.